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Calligraphic scripts

Modern Calligraphic scripts are based on historical manuscripts.  I have chosen three main scripts for use in my Marriage Certificates, along with suitable capitals. Please scroll down to see examples of each.  You will find further examples in my brochure, which I can email you on request (see FAQ page).

Foundational Script is a round, legible script very much in keeping with the simplicity of a Quaker Wedding.  It is based on a tenth-century manuscript called the Ramsey Psalter, currently housed in the British Library.  I combine Foundational Script with Roman Capitals.

Italic Script is a later script, developed in Italy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. It is a lively, slightly forward sloping script with long ascenders and descenders, which can be flourished.  I combine this script with either Versal, Italic or Roman Capitals.

Uncial Script was used during the third to eighth centuries and is a single case script (the distinction between upper and lower case hadn't yet been invented!)  It is also a round script, but can be compressed and/or italicised to give a different look.
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